Workplace Challenges for Overcoming Leadership Styles

Challenges are unavoidable in any workplace, and how leaders approach and solve these issues may make or break an organization’s success. Navigating multiple leadership styles is one of the most difficult problems that executives confront. It can be difficult to establish a leadership technique that works for everyone when team members have different personalities and communication styles. But, leaders must realize the influence their style has on their team and adjust their approach accordingly. In this post, we will look at some frequent workplace issues caused by different leadership styles, as well as solutions for leaders to overcome these obstacles. Leaders may create a more pleasant and productive work environment for their team by recognizing the various leadership styles and how to adapt to them.

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Scenario one: beliefs in the workplace

Being a leader, it is necessary to get your team on a common ground of interest.

Address the following question:

1). Describe the leadership style.

For this purpose, the participative leadership style is the most appropriate one to mediate the situation. In participative leadership, every team member is working together and makes decisions to resolve workplace challenges and often using the voting system to resolve problems and challenges internally.

The participative leadership style provides an opportunity for its employees to raise their voices and present their opinion to take part in the decision-making process. As result, they feel valued; have the higher motivation that ultimately leads to contribution to achieving companies vision.

2). How does your leadership style affect your response to resolving an issue?

To overcome the communication gap to resolve the issue, my team members would be more enthusiastic in the future. They have the inner superior value that they are managing the conflicts themselves. So, they will have more participation in constructive feedback to improve the company process.

3.) What are some leadership strategies that would work best to avoid employee communication?

According to my opinion, there are five different methods through which communication between employees can be improved. These methodologies are team meetings, collaboration encouragement, constructive feedback, being an active listener, and cooperation with other team members. Team meetings on regular basis will reinforce the company values, beliefs, culture, new initiatives, and company goals and familiarize with the procedure to solve problems on preexistent issues.

It will also help team members to collaborate effectively with other members which will lead to achieving their common goal easier. These strategies help to overcome the challenges occurring at workplace. It is necessary to communicate active listening, acknowledge mistakes, and behave ethically among diverse team members. At last, helping other team members will lead to gaining more knowledge and expertise in other fields and gaining team members’ interest.

Address any other areas for leadership struggles in these workplace challenges.

Utilizing a participatory leadership style has many advantages i.e. higher motivation between team members, high morale, higher participation and collaboration, better job performance, decrease in grievance and absentees, and turnover.

Scenario 2: lower wages:

Address the following questions:

1). Explain how you would handle the workplace challenges.

In this situation, a pacesetter leadership style would be helpful. The pacesetting leadership style is described as the in which leaders lead them from the front line, and set examples and higher standards for their team. With that being said, as the manager, I would review both the female and male employees’ annual evaluations to see if anything was ignore before.

I would review every metric and score to determine if mistakes were made in the evaluations. I would then determine if the female and male employees have met the defined expectations and goals for the year. If the female employee’s feelings are validate, then corrections should compulsory.

2). How could this situation have been handled differently and improved?

In the future, the expectations and goals for the year will be more defined for all team members so that we will not have this same experience. Making sure that all employees are on the same page is extremely important. Also, the final evaluations will be more confidential as well as employees’ wages and bonuses.

3). In reviewing the team development model, assess what changes, if any, are needed to get this team back to the performing stage.

Team managers have an overarching goal of getting their teams to the Performing stage as quickly as possible. To ensure that you are answering the right questions at the right time, a manager can follow these certain steps. As part of this process, you should regularly assess your team’s dynamics to determine its stage of development.

Additionally, consider what are the needs for the team to move effectively into the Performing stage. Lastly, conduct regular reviews of the team’s progress in the four stages, and modify your behavior and leadership approach based on the stage the team has reached.

Address any other areas for leadership strategies for workplace challenges:

A pacesetting leader focuses on high levels of achievement while encouraging employees to meet those goals as well. Pacesetting leaders enable employees to produce outstanding results. A major project should complete quickly by using it, for example.

Scenario three: political discourse in the office

Address the following questions:

1). What are the risks of allowing this type of group thinking to continue in the workplace?

Political discussions in the workplace can derail a positive, harmonious work environment. This type of environment is not what you want your office to be. The work environment should be a neutral space where everyone collaborates to achieve the same goals, for example serving your customers following your brand promise. Talking politics at work takes your attention away from your common goals and purpose.

2). Discuss how groupthink impacts organizational performance based on the scenario presented.

When colleagues are in a political disagreement within the workplace overall morale and productivity will decline. This is because political disagreements can result in creating a divide within your team and reduce collaboration among employees. The political discourse can also lead to your employees feeling uncomfortable and avoiding collaboration. Therefore, it is important to set boundaries when it comes to political topics.

3). What are some leadership strategies that are implement to reduce or eliminate these workplace challenges?

To eliminate political discourse within the workplace, managers can take certain steps to create an inclusive environment. These steps include creating an environment of diverse views, avoiding political bias when making decisions, providing resources on constructive political dialogue, highlighting the value of bipartisan cooperation, and lastly setting limits on political discussions in the workplace.

Even though political conversations may only last a few minutes within the workplace, the long-term consequences can be detrimental to an organization. These become a great challenges for whole workplace.

Address any other areas for leadership strategies for workplace challenges:

Political conversations harm workplace relationships, productivity, performance, and company culture. Managers must regulate such conversations to protect employees from harassment and possible discrimination.


Finally, leadership styles have a significant impact on workplace culture and employee performance. But, each leadership style has strengths and limitations that can cause problems or challenges in the workplace. The key to overcoming these obstacles is to recognize them early and develop tactics to assist lessen their negative impact. Using a flexible leadership strategy that considers the specific requirements and preferences of individual team members, or investing in leadership training programs that may help managers learn new skills and enhance their ability to lead successfully, may be examples of this. Organizations may build a happy and productive work environment by doing so, which stimulates employee engagement, creativity, and innovation, eventually driving corporate success.

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