Employee Well-being Summary

The well-being of employees is a critical aspect of the success of any firm. The “Employee Well-Being: Executive Summary” gives a thorough guide for executives and business leaders to develop a healthy workplace culture that values the health and happiness of employees. This study presents important results and solutions for boosting employee well-being.

Organizational Behavior

Recent studies of organizational behavior emphasize the performance of employee, interactive relationships among individuals, and the structure of the organization. Organizational behavior practices lead to enhancing the efficiency of businesses through the implementation of general management principles. A major focus of organizational behavior research is to enhance job performance and job satisfaction among company employee.

It also emphasizes encouraging innovation and nurturing leadership skills within the organization. This study also shows the impact of psychology, sociology, and anthropology on economic and political science. Organizational behavior enables the personnel to implement the most suitable actions and techniques on the actual issues. This also figure out the opportunism gap present in the workplace

Organizational behavior studies also give us a systematic process through which we can find out useful insights and patterns. It also take a good care of Employee Well-being. Ultimately that leads the researcher to find out the preface gaps between people and groups of the organization. Along with methodologies to overcome those issues. So these practices lead organizations, their people, and groups to put their best effort into work. Therefore, it also leads them to improve their work-life balance along with opportunities to excel in their career.

Impact of organizational behavior on Employee

Organizational behavior has a significant impact on the work performance and ultimate success of employees within the organization. Organizational behaviors also provide us insights into the attitudes and performance of the employees. There are different factors like company culture policies and company structure that have a direct impact on the organization’s behavior. These factors play a vital role in the productivity and commitment of employees towards the organization positively or negatively. That is why it is necessary to understand employee about the company culture its incentive system. And also the decision-making hierarchy to improve their performance.

Factors Of Direct Impact on Employee

Every company has its working environment or culture that is based on its values and beliefs. A company’s culture may shape employees’ behavior in their interaction and work activities with others. When they have the self-esteem and appreciation of being a team player. They tend to be more energetic and responsible to do their duties. So, employees who are appreciated and acknowledged by their managers at their workplace. They will tend to contribute their best efforts to gain more effective and efficient results. Ultimately they play a significant role to achieve the organizational objectives of a company.

If a company wants to gain the motivation of its employees. An accomplishment reward system and compensation can be a significant reason for this outcome. Organizations must implement effective systems to make sure to reward employees. Who have prominent performance and this practice should be done throughout the organization. Furthermore, the job performance incentive system also leads to gaining job satisfaction, more commitment, and loyalty of company employees. As per the organizational behavior studies, rewards and incentives are the significant factors. That lead to motivating employees to perform excellently.

Organizational behaviors also impact the decision-making process of people. Companies should always be open to new innovative and creative ideas by including their employees in the decision-making process. Both the management and employees have a better understanding of the company’s business, its operations, and ground reality. Which is why they can heighten opportunities and drawbacks in a better way. For this purpose, it is necessary to define what type of organizational behavior technique you are going to apply for better results.

Impact of leadership practice on Employee Well-being

Leadership practices are intangible skills and different leaders have different specific skills and abilities. However, everyone has the opportunity to learn new skills to be more effective at their job role. Leadership also has a huge impact on a company’s culture and Employee Well-being. Company leaders are also capable of reinforcing organizational values through setting realistic goals, providing opportunities, and recognizing employee efforts.

If employees have direct interaction with their first-line manager. They will be more engaged in their work and gain better results. It is concluded that the employees that have direct communication with their leaders create trust among team members. So the manager must provide a direct and open communication system to enhance team engagement in their work. Ultimately, employees become more motivated who leads to achieving company goals effectively and efficiently

Cultural intelligence of Employee well-being

Cultural intelligence can be described as the capacity to work efficiently and effetely within culturally diverse situations. People that have the skills to perfume excellently in cross cultures and excel in different work situations. Emotional intelligence has a significant impact on cultural intelligence. If someone has strong emotional intelligence. So they can understand the emotions of other people, wants, and needs without asking them.

They also can adopt the values beliefs and communication styles from different cultures. This type of person has a greater sense of empathy and upstanding about others. However, it is an intangible skill that cannot get in quantity and it’s necessary for those individuals to continuously improve that skill.


Finally, the essay underlines the importance of employee well-being in any organization’s performance. Organizational behavior, leadership techniques, and cultural intelligence all play important roles in defining business culture and, as a result, affect employee productivity and commitment. Companies can create a healthy workplace culture that values the health and happiness of their employees by implementing effective organizational behavior techniques, incentivizing job performance, and promoting strong leadership skills and cultural intelligence. This will lead to greater success for the organization as a whole.

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