Middle East Politics and Government

The most interesting part is the three theoretical explanations of underdevelopment that apply to the scenario of the Middle East politics. These theories help us to understand the historical progression with the help of factors that take part in the underdevelopment of the non-economic behavior of the country. Furthermore, it also includes the political economies … Read more

Fossil Fuel Energy Extraction

In ancient times, fossil fuels are used to produce energy until the 18th century. Fossil fuel energy contributed to a greater boost in productivity. In 18’s century, coal larger supplies were less expensive than wood, water, and wind to produce energy. Introduction: Fossil Fuel Energy In the 20th century, oil replaced coal to produce energy. … Read more

Islam and The Ottoman Empire

Introduction Islam very early on faced many social and economic challenges that emerged from the nature of social and economic life in Mecca and Medina and the surrounding regions at the time. Islam faced so many challenges. This article describes Islam and the ottoman empire. With the spread of Islam in Mecca, Meccans become nervous … Read more

Can Japan Recapture Its Solar Power

Introduction Japan has to face an earthquake in 2011 and there was severe damage to its nuclear energy production units. Due to this nuclear disaster, about 100000 people have to evacuate and millions of people were afraid of the radioactive ray emissions.  These plants were severely damaged and needed reconstruction and advanced use of technology. That’s … Read more

Microsoft Policies for Employees: India HR Policies

Introduction During the past few decades, recruitment of it professionals has become a challenge for all companies related to Information technology. Especially for those companies who have their setups in India. As we all know, companies always look for low-cost and technically competent labor which was only available in the Indian IT market as compared … Read more

Why Renewable Energy is Expensive?: Disadvantages

The climate is changing rapidly due to the emissions of carbon and other materials. These materials have a drastic impact on environmental pollution.  To sustain a green environment, many developed countries are shifting towards renewable energy sources. Such as wind turbines, solar farms, and hydroelectric and geothermal plants. The countries that are producing energy through renewable … Read more

Biodiesel Fuel: Renewable Energy

Introduction: Biodiesel fuel is made up of short-chain alkyl esters and is identical to standard petroleum-derived diesel fuel in most aspects. Its chemical composition is the Trans esterification of vegetable oils or animal fats. Biodiesel fuel is distinct from unprocessed vegetable oil (also known as straight vegetable oil, SVO), which is occasionally used as a … Read more

Fusion Reaction

Introduction According to the Kamela Padavic-Callaghan article about successful ignition confirmed in a nuclear fusion reaction experience for the first time but it failed to replicate/ recreate itself over the last year. This fusion ignition experiment took place at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s national ignition facility NIF. The inertial confinement process takes place in … Read more

Cisco System: History and Reports

Cisco System is an American-based technology business operating globally. The company is well-recognized for its computer networking solutions. Cisco produces and markets telecommunications gear, networking hardware, software, and other technology services.  This company didn’t become a household brand since it marketed its products primarily to other companies, but in the second decade of the twenty-first … Read more

USA Energy Use in 2021

The recent data about the estimated USA energy use in the United States in 2021 is almost equal to the energy consumed in 2015 by the user. In 2021, the energy consumption is 97.3 Quads that are equal to 102.65 EJ. But in 2015, the energy consumption was 102.9 EJ which has a minor difference … Read more