Organizational Behavior and Leadership Impact on Employee Performance


As a new organizational behavior manager, my role is to determine the work environment factors and how the employee’s performance and workplace culture can be improve. Initially, I decided to determine the company performance overview. Before starting, I have to discuss some of the preliminary aspects with the board of directors regarding upcoming meetings. For this purpose, I have created a white paper that emphasizes the importance of this work and why the performance review of the company is essential.

I will also discuss the organizational behavior and leadership role impact. It will help me to determine the factors of effective leadership practices on the motivation of employees. I will also discuss one of the major leadership strategies. It will help to build a positive effective relationship between teams and groups within the organization. This report will also discuss the diversity, equity, and new initiatives on the performance of teams. And also the overall culture of the company along with the continued organizational success.

Determine the organizational behavior & leadership role in organizational performance

According to organization can define as a systematic process. It is work on the study and application of individual behaviors within the organizations to assess its effectiveness. It can also be defined as the study of determining the functioning and performance of personnel within the organizational teams, groups, and as a whole as well. By studying and learning about organizational behavior a company can increase its overall efficiency at all points of the company. Organizational behavior’s impact on performance is probably the least looked at category.

Organizations look at employees’ attitudes and performance to determine whether or not the employee fits in with the culture. And other employees, but organizations forge that the actions and behavior of managers and owners can affect whether or not. Employees are happy with their position, the company and the decisions being made. Just as the employee’s performance can determine whether or not an organization retains that employee the same can be said vice versa.

Individual and Organizational Behavior

Individuals and their natural human behavior can make or break a company and determines an organization’s success. This will be just because of organizational Behavior. The bridging component between having satisfaction with your job and having high employee performance is called employee engagement. Engagement is when an employee has an emotional investment in their jobs and their employer. A study performed showed that organizations that had high employee engagement also had greater operational success.

Impact individual human behavior has on the organization’s behavior

Employees fall into 2 categories, those that influence satisfaction and those that influence motivation. Hygiene factors impact job satisfaction, and these include pay, benefits, working conditions, and job security. Motivation factors are those that influence how a person performs on the job. These include recognition, responsibility, and challenging work. Having an employee who is engaged impacts the organization’s performance because negativity can spread like a wildfire and disrupt the operational success of a company.

Finding an employee who can perform the job is easy, but finding one that fits into the organization and team can be daunting. Looking into a person’s personality can help determine if they would be a good fit for the organization. There are 5 dimensions of personality types. Openness to experience is creative, open to new things, and prefers variety. Conscientious individuals are organized and deliberate in their actions and they get tasks accomplished. Extraversion individuals make friends easily, have energy, and can be thrill seekers.

Trust on employees

Agreeableness is the people who are trustworthy, dependable, and see the best in people. Neuroticisms are uncomfortable with them and have feelings of fear, sadness, and anger. Also defines mood as “a conscious state of mind or predominant emotions: feeling.” An employee’s emotion and mood can affect the success of an organization and also affects those around them. If an employee is angry or has feelings of discontent then that attitude will spread to those around them.

If an employee is upbeat, social, engaged, and satisfied then those around them will start to feel that way as well. An attitude is the evaluation of something either liking or not liking. Cognitive is the statement of belief regarding that something. Affective is the emotional component of something and behavioral is the intention to act on something. An example: cognitive, my job is boring; effective, I don’t like my job; behavioral, I will spend more time on Facebook during working hours.

This can be detrimental to a team. If an employee feels this way and spends work time doing other things then they are pushing all the work onto another team member who may begin to feel that they are the only one who cares about the work and hates being the only one doing the work.

Effective Leadership Practices on Employee Motivation

Different leadership practices impact organizational performance. One of them would be for leadership to keep employees engaged at all-time. Well-informed employees tend to produce more and improve the culture of the organization. This also means that leaders should communicate frequently as well as listen. Not all great ideas come from only management. Well-engaged employees can contribute to the success of the organization as well. Engaged employees will then be able to feel more a part of the team and know what is happening with the organization they are working for.

Another leadership practice that impacts organizational performance would be for HR and management to perform annual surveys with the employees to gain insight into the employee’s opinions and attitudes toward the company as a whole as well as their work environment. HR and management can then determine what needs to change if anything and implement a plan that they will then communicate to the employees and monitor monthly.

Leadership Strategies that Enforce Positive Relationship Building and organizational behavior

Several leadership strategies enforce positive relationship building. Employees work harder for a manager who will in return work hard for the employee. I have always told my employees that I would fight for them and everything they deserve and need. This is just one of the things that a manager can do to show employees that they are in it together.

There are several other things a manager can do to build a positive relationship with their employees. The first one is to have an open-door policy. Employees need a safe space where they can go to vent their stress, talk out their frustrations or just be able to speak their truth and mind. As a manager, I always kept my door open and would tell employees to come in whenever they need to for whatever reason they need to. I will not hold it against my employees for being human and having emotions. Another thing a manager can do is to always be open with the employees.

Tell them what they are doing well or anything they can improve on. Employees value a manager who can be straight with them. Employees also like it when the managers compliment them; this to an employee shows that their hard work is being noticeable or valuable. That the employee is not just another drone working to build the owner’s bank balance.

Impact of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives on individuals teams and behavior

Cultural intelligence is important within any organization. Whether dealing with employees or potential customers the organization needs to possess sensitivity and intelligence,

when it comes to the local culture. For example, if the organization is going to do business in

China then the organization needs to know what the values of that culture are and how management conflict is handled. By recognizing and accepting local cultures organizations can act globally and think locally. This same theory applies when hiring employees of a different culture. Leadership can better manage an employee of a different culture if they can understand that culture.

DEI practice could not only have an impact on the organizational performance but it can also harm the company. We should always be open to everyone and welcome inclusion. If we so the discriminate practice, it will cause to lose the business employees and it is possible to face lawsuits. DEI practices have both positive and negative impacts on the teams and individual performance as well. To overcome this issue find new employees that do not discriminate. Ultimately it will lead to the creation of a new collaborative culture and disrupts the old one.

Leadership impact on leading change for continued organizational behavior

When a company is striving for organizational success, it must be open to the

The possibility is that at some point the way the team operates must change. In 2020 a pandemic

Changed the way every business on the planet operated. Most businesses now had to transition their employees from working in the office to working from home. Managers had to shift from being transactional leaders to transformational and had to develop new metrics for managing their team while not having a physical presence. A good leader can transform into what is need at that specific moment to be able to lead change.

The steps a leader should take when their team is transitioning would be to first create a Sense of urgency. By creating a sense of urgency, you can convince employees that change is necessary and start to create a coalition to help facilitate the change. Next, the leader will create a vision to help all employees understand why they are being asked to change. Setting small-term goals that employees can reach within a month or two and when they have reached the achievement should be celebrated. This will help get employees through the change to achieve long-term wins. Finally, for the organization to take a hold of these procedures is for the organization to make these steps a part of the culture of the organization.


I am working as a new organizational behavior manager and I have to assess the employee’s performance, work environment, and workplace culture. And have presented information to the board of directors that emphasizes the performance review of the company. Also defined organizational behavior and the role of leadership practices on organizational performance. I also assess the effectiveness of leadership practices on the motivation of employees.

Furthermore, I have also discussed the leadership’s strategies for both the groups and teams to promote a positive relationship-building culture. In this report, I have also explained the impact of diversity, equity, and inclusion on the overall culture of the organization and the methods to adopt the leading change for organizational success.

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