Middle East Politics and Government

The most interesting part is the three theoretical explanations of underdevelopment that apply to the scenario of the Middle East politics. These theories help us to understand the historical progression with the help of factors that take part in the underdevelopment of the non-economic behavior of the country. Furthermore, it also includes the political economies theories that primarily focus on the state’s role that may facilitate and lead can be impudent to the development.

Introduction To Middle East Politics

The selection of these theories is about empirical data and this qualitative research. Which was conducted based on archival research. It was most difficult for the researcher to find out the most progressed subsistence stage that has economic relations to the stage of development. For this Marxists classified the economic relations in this region as feudalistic or at least pre-capitalist. In this, the landowners control the production of agricultural goods. Despite this, investors are more reluctant to invest outside of their family business. Due to this reason, most of the private enterprises failed in this region.

Secondly, the theory of dependency and the flying geese metaphor has significant relevancy that indicates the consequences of the failure of local capitalist development in the Middle East. This becomes less practicable nowadays due to the collapse of communism. Furthermore, it is due to the lack of pieces of evidence about the support for the notion of capitalist exploitation with the help of imperialism. 

Third, in the modern capitalist economy, take-off must advance feudalism as a pre-condition for self–sustaining development. However, these theories have provided us indications about the issue rose due to the development in the Middle East. This also gives us insights that which of the approaches are essential or can as best regarded based on non-reconcilable substitutes. In contrast, some of the researchers claim that these theories are universal and you can apply to all countries. because these theories are based on historical data to define the development approaches in a country. 

Economic Inheritance Middle East Politics

The most interesting and vital element is economic inheritance. The Middle East is one of the first regions in the world that have a developed civilization along with rich economic inheritance. The physical and human efforts of the Egyptians they done in the fields of agriculture and irrigation are considerable.

However, the spread of Islam is the rival of the scientific discovery that was to adopt later in Europe.  In the late eighteenth century, Cairo built a considerable financial infrastructure that has a stock exchange. On the other hand, Alexandria has the leading ports in the Mediterranean. that were used for exports, and in this Egypt was a key player at that time.

The Middle East has made progress significantly in the last seventy years as compared to the previous five centuries. It has a considerable population growth that caused to bring misery and hardships. The GDP and GNP of the Middle East have the misleading impression as the major oil exporter in the states. To measure these economic indicators different parameters are compared with other empirical data. These parameters include the consumption and production of a wealth of the nation, the investment in transport and infrastructure, the strategy implementation of countries’ land and promoting agriculture, industrialization, and development, and developing economic structure and development that leads to modernization and structural transformation.

Middle East Politics and Modernization

In the scenario of Middle East modernization, traditional economic techniques are used along with setting up new industries. Like agriculture, handicrafts, informal financial intermediations, etc. This will also provide us with the most interesting speculating about whether modernization has controlled traditional economic activities or it has its benefits. It concludes that second-rate modernization is not only sufficient but it needs to create menial production line jobs. This is because the Middle East has a less competitive advantage than other countries.

Immigration and migration is the most interesting part of life because it provides historical data about the movement of the population in the Middle East. As the Middle East provides deceleration for trade and Commerce rather than creating different barriers to economic exchange. 

Due to these strategies, business in different fields increases like traveling. People are free to move within the Ottoman Empire apart from the ethnic groups and nationalities. However, in the past, it has some administrative migration barriers rather than economic ones. It provides the opportunity for people to live in their homes and give up the remuneration forgone. Independence passport control work and residence permits the mobility of workers to become structuralized and operationalized. 

Different Religion But Same Group

Many countries in this season belong to different ethnic and religious same groups in the modern Middle East. For example in Turkey, many Armenians and Christians have left after the early era of independence. Due to these permanent ethnic and religious groups of the Ottoman Empire has been released with the other temporary immigrants. These temporary immigrants as measured at the destinations in the Gulf and Libya Due to the worker’s requirements. 

The second most interesting part of is the economic effects of International Labor mobility. This is because labor immigrants are more willing to move to the states where they can find better jobs as compared to their previous ones to sustain or improve their livelihood.

Foreign direct investment is the most interesting indicator that provides insights into the financial and economic situation as compared to other competitive markets.  Foreign investment flow provides us an indication of the foreign direct investment flows in the Middle East and that is what you undertook by multinational companies and their portfolios. 

The main purpose of foreign direct investment is to have control over ownership. The foreign direct investment aims to diversify the risk associated with equities or other assets. Table 5.5 provides us an indication of the GDP of the Middle East as well as the foreign direct investment today’s data your European Union markets have more access to Exports of strong Industrial and service culture products. 

Egypt and Turkish Financial Investments

In the case of Egypt and Turkish financial investments, it is the most problematic situation in the Industrial and services culture although they have more opportunities in new political climates that followed the Arab Spring and have more transparency and implement effective strategies to reduce corruption. Kuwait doesn’t have an attraction to foreign direct investment because it has the most domestic capital.

Development Of the Country

The most interesting part is the position of Islamic economists and their role in the development of the country nowadays critical demand is highly required and their major portion comes from Islamist countries rather than secularist countries. Saudi Arabia has significant contribution in this economics sphere 2-12 the growing interest in Islamic economic countries. 

According to this research, politics has more influence on the economies rather than financial activities. For example, according to the 1979 Iranian revolution dramatic manifestation was adopted too much the Islam with politics and economics sphere. According to the academic economies, they have concluded that political development has parallel growth, full staff. In the case of the Middle East religious and national forces such as national identity ethnicity e and linguistic terms are defined differently. This was the most similar situation to Nasser Arab Nation as it was for Ataturk’s Turkey.

Due to these economic secularist policies, it is acceptable but it needs time to have alternate capitalist economic systems. This is because colonialism and imperialism have the most influence in the Middle East. Overcome this is a socialist to plan the economy. It is to consider the best alternative by the Government and academic cycle but it was not necessarily required by the communist system. 

The Middle East States have a more modern secularized education system along with traditional Quranic schools. Even at the highest study levels religious education is segregated from the syllabus. This gift in government asteroid to control and influence the situation and tried to merge this But the Muslims, are more conscious two separating their professional interest from their religious beliefs.

Impact of Oil on the Middle East Politics

Oil and gas development extraction, costs, and future are most interesting as compared to other providers. Over the last eight decades, oil has significant impact on the economies of the Middle East politics. It has almost one-half of the world are Reserves and can provide one-quarter of global supplies of natural gas. 

These oil and gas reserves are to consider as the proportion of national product and contribute to the government finance as a major source. The earnings from this source are not only to contribute to inter-government assistance remittances but in private investment flows etc. In the future oil, is a commodity that would be treated as the primary source of energy production. And it is expected to rise in price accordingly. 

No doubt it has its substitute in the transportation market but most countries have a line on this energy source that would have a direct impact on the Middle East oil market. The Middle East Politics has not only resources but it has natural gas resources as well. Which are associated with oil fields and can be extracted independently of file extraction. 

Much of these resources like hitherto flared harnessed have left environmental effects. These resources can be a good move to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and lead to a Green environment. Due to this competitive advantage, The Middle East becomes able to collect as much as the income of their annual budget.

The most interesting part is in international trade and intra-regional trade. The Middle East has a significant due to its geographical position that provides a path tomorrow populated regions like Europe South Asia and East Asia for international commerce. 

Relations With Europe

It has declined its commercial relations with Europe due to less involvement in regional economic Cohesion in the Middle East. Due to this the regional trade links between Europe and the Middle East are weak and have less interest transfer of financial and workers mobility. Horror girls have highly dependent while exporting States that are integrated with the outside world and are more isolated economically. 

It is more important to your pen Union because you are being union is the major source of the file. This is to export from the Middle East. The United Kingdom is the only country that has sufficient supplies of its own. Over the last 80 years, Arabia has had sufficient reserves as well. In your opinion almost consumes 18% of total oil consumption.  While Middle Eastern gas supplies also contribute to your gas consumption needs. The North Sea has more gas supplies as compared to Russia and Qatar.

Islamic Revolution Touch

In future Northern Europe, countries are to expect to have Islamic revolution touch and orientation that may cause economic hardships in the region. Apart from all this small country such as Jordan is partially self-sufficient and lies in a difficult position. These countries would have the highest competitive gain if they have National integrations with other economies.

Government and economic decision-making are the most important to analyze the economic growth of the Middle East. In the autocratic centralized leadership of our Arab Spring, the economic and political conditions of the Middle East prevailed. During these most economic aces, it is to implement from ministerial decrees rather than the consultative process. 

The government departments determine the total standing budget with the help of bilateral bargaining Where the respondent minister and the present Prime Minister are. For this purpose, cabinet discussions are to formalize and the opposing party can express their views inter parliament. The decision-making process is run by the top management rather than a team exercise for individual economic agents. Before Arabs sprung, dictatorial decisions about economic matters what unresponsive. 


The economic and political institutions have less control over the social attitudes of rulers and their decision-making process. It was the only e administrative legalities that influence economic policy and development. There was important economic patronage that real force the political powers in the Middle East Politics inept the role. 

One of the other deceptions in the Middle East Potics is the actual working of ordinary jeans that often do not respond. It leads to the misinterpretation of economic policymaking in the Middle Eastern states.

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