A relational view on the performance effects of international diversification strategies

International diversification is considered the basic pillar that plays a significant role in multinational corporation growth strategies. Due to this reason, it has vitally important in academia to analyze the antecedents and international diversification performance implications on the multinational corporation strategies. Previously, international diversification strategies performance has a wide collection of research but in this … Read more

Geothermal Energy as Renewable Energy

In this article, you will get all information about geothermal energy as renewable energy. So Lets discuss more in detail. Geothermal Energy Resource’s Six categories And Their Pros & Cons We have divided Geothermal energy resources into six categories. Let’s discuss them below. Normal Geothermal Gradient In the locations where a normal geothermal energy gradient … Read more

Restaurant Service Producers in Australia: Service Marketing Mix

Our lives are impacted in an unprecedented way during the COVID-19 pandemic which includes the way we eat, drink, and even our living routines. For precautionary measures, The Australian government makes strict social distancing techniques to overcome the spread of coronavirus. It also has a huge impact on the dining on the premises of the … Read more

Decarbonized Future Energy Systems: Renewable Energy

Powered Future For The Philippines: The global energy industry is experiencing a transition toward a more equitable, secure, cost-effective, low-carbon, and sustainable future. Renewable energy is a vital building element. This transition is aided by unprecedented public pressure and policy action, prompted by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, rising air pollution and water stress, … Read more

Sustainable Investment is profit for Organization Growth

How additional sustainable investment in the workforce and the environment can increase the organization’s profits? Over the last several years, there has been considerable growth in corporate social responsibility. Conflicts are prevalent when social responsibility programs cause distortions. As a result, the enterprise’s risks outweigh its profits. Corporate earnings may raise by employing an innovative … Read more

Organizational Behavior and Leadership Impact on Employee Performance

Introduction As a new organizational behavior manager, my role is to determine the work environment factors and how the employee’s performance and workplace culture can be improve. Initially, I decided to determine the company performance overview. Before starting, I have to discuss some of the preliminary aspects with the board of directors regarding upcoming meetings. … Read more

Gilbert Metcalf and Carbon Tax

As energy requirements are rapidly increasing sources of energy production have drastically impact on climate globally due to carbon emissions.  The European Union and the United States, it is to set up an administration energy policy to regulate and set a cap on total carbon emissions. Gilbert Metcalf an economist has calculations of costs and … Read more

Carbon Tax and Non-conventional Fossil Fuels

Introduction There is a charge for carbon emissions that is called a carbon tax. The carbon that is present in all fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and natural gas, is emitted as carbon dioxide upon combustion. Since the infrared radiation produced by sunlight that has heated Earth cannot adequately escape to space due to the … Read more

Solar Renewable Technology Policies in the United States

Introduction The growing need for renewable technology is a critical component. When meeting any effort to battle climate change and provide energy security. And the current US government is vigorously promoting it as such. Solar photovoltaic (PV) technology is one of the most promising renewable energy sources. Solar energy is widely available in the United … Read more

Grid-scale Storage For Solar and Wind Power

Introduction In the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario, grid-scale storage is crucial for a number of system functions, including short-term balancing and operating reserves, ancillary services for grid stability, postponing the investment in new transmission and distribution lines, long-term energy storage, and restarting the grid after a blackout.  Pumped hydroelectric power dominates grid-scale storage. Friendly … Read more